
Day 757, 15:02 Published in Japan Japan by Yuuko

Or at least winning the elections was for me. I was seriously ready to post an article saying 'I'll try again next time' when I got up this morning. Surprised to see that I won. Then I had to wait through school and then some before I could begin writing this xD

The Final votes for the ULJ was Ember: 24 Me: 29. and Jotho: 1.

Between Ember and I, it was an extremely close race. Most likely its because both of us have been PP before and both of us have experience and did well xD

So yeah, I'm surprised, but pleased with my win.

Ember of course will get a spot in Cabinet if she wants it. She offered me the same, I would be stupid and mean to not reserve her a spot. <3

Anyways, Now its time to get to work! Done with the speaky-speak and time for action!

For ULJ members (and anyone interested in reading it I guess) I will start posting stuff in the forums on Cabinet organization and plans for the future. No reason to flood the media.

If you are a member of the party and dont come to the forums yet, the link is here.

Lets make this party even more awesome than it currently is!

Yuuko got a tie for while she's PP. It pleases her.

((yes, you will have to look at my artwork(and its not-that-good-ness.)))
