Supreme Court of eCanada - Rolo trial update March 8

Day 1,204, 21:12 Published in Canada Canada by olivermellors

Most of the evidence has now been received by the court. One charge has been dismissed.

The accused faces various charges one of which was treason persuant to the criminal code. The Court yesterday released a decision in relation to that one particular charge. It is as follows:

SUBSTANTIVE DECISION OF THE COURT - Plugson, Petz and olivermellors concurring, SpockQC not participating (3-0)

The Court unanimously finds that the provisions of Section II of the criminal code contain internal inconsistencies and illogic which are beyond mere interpretative issues. Accordingly a charge of treason pursuant to the code cannot be maintained. The charge of treason alleged against the accused is therefore dismissed, with prejudice. All other charges may proceed.

The accused and other witnesses have characterized the September 2010 impeachment as "illegal" and the Court will ultimately deal with that issue, including its relevance and effect if any.

The accused also presents a theory of defence which amounts to "I didn't take anything". My characterization is, of course, simplification and therefore somewhat innacurate. For those interested in accuracy, the thread is here:

We are hopeful that final submissions will be filed tomorrow night.