Supreme Court of eCanada -March 7 update

Day 1,202, 22:22 Published in Canada Canada by olivermellors

The Rolo trial began friday evening. The prosecution has completed its case and the defence is about to get started. The thread is here:

Wes Lewis proposed an idyosincratic interpretation of "discrimination" in relation to decisions by CAF, forum and IRC admins. He has moved from eCanada and the thread is locked pending decision. The thread contains some interesting discussion about what is/is not "discrimination". the thread is here:

Kilgour trout has drafted and proposed a new constitution. The proposal has not been posted to a public thread as required by the constitutional amending formula. Nevertheless, Kilgour is asking congress to vote on it in the apparently mistaken view that a congressional vote will be effective to amend the constitution. In fact, the best that can be said is that it will create a statute which is in direct contradiction to the constitution and therefore void. Caution and attention to the amending formula are required.

The Funding Cap Act prosecution will come before the court again on March 19. Congress has been asked by the Vice President to consider retroactively approving any violation which may have occured. The Court had previously adjourned for the purpose of permitting congress to decide whether or not it wished to debate and deal with that issue.