Supreme Court of eCanada - March 24 update

Day 1,220, 16:57 Published in Canada Canada by olivermellors

Three days ago, a public discussion document was circulated concerning reform of the Court’s practice. Readers can refer to a previous article in this newspaper for the text of the document. The reforms have now been instituted. After an internal vote, the Court has issued a formal direction which will regulate the practice and conduct of matters in the Supreme Court. The thread is here:

Pursuant to these reforms, some matters may now be dealt with by a single judge, whose decision will be subject to appeal to the full panel. The first such case will be Kilgore Trout’s reference to the Court about the validity of the new constitution. He made the reference today, a new case has been opened and I have appointed myself to deal with it. I was not my first choice.

EDIT:An interim decision has now been delivered. The thread is here:

Similarly, the matter of Dominik’s forum access will be dealt with by a single judge: Plugson. Arrangements are being made to provide Dominik with “in court” masking which will permit him to appear on the forums and post to the appropriate thread. Failure to take advantage of this opportunity will lead to the “in court” masking being removed after a reasonable time. It would be appreciated if Dominik indicated his desire, or not, to pursue this matter. As with all matters dealt with by a single judge, the latter’s decisions will be effective from the time made, subject to appeal. I have opened a new case thread here:

Matthew gallaugher recently opened two new threads in the public discussion area, which were promptly locked to avoid edits. The player has asked for ability to edit, or that edits be made. The player has been invited to make his request public and to provide reasons.