Supreme Court of eCanada -March 21 update

Day 1,217, 20:16 Published in Canada Canada by olivermellors

A player appeared to purge his past behavior.
After deliberating, a majority of the court (3-0, one pending) found the accused guilty of contempt and imposed sentence as follows:

forum and irc ban until April 16, 2011.

The forum/irc Admins have been advised and have acted accodingly.
Reasons are found on the forum thread, which is here:

A new constitution is in the last days of party president approval. If the vote holds, the measure will pass. In order to address the concern of some party presidents, max maher has done the community a great favour. He has created a French language version of the proposed constitution, which is true to the English language counterpart. He has done so without promise of benefit, without prodding, in the absence of anything except a desire to see the community flourish and prosper. His product is here:

The Court has now ruled that the attorney general act is not in conflict with the constitution, and that changes to the “speaker election” provisions of the Rules of Decorum were within the exclusive power of the congress.

A majority of the court has determined that, given the special act passed by congress and the President’s pardon, no trial date shall be set in the funding act case and that the case itself is dismissed. I have expressed thanks to max maher and lavis knight for having brought the matter to public attention as well as to others. Other judges have delivered written reasons. The thread is here: