Supreme Court of eCanada -March 13 update

Day 1,209, 19:18 Published in Canada Canada by olivermellors

I have delivered my own reasons, as a single judge, on two matters which have been long outstanding. These reasons are not binding. As the other judges release their opinions we will determine the majority view which will then become the Court's ruling. I will post the vote count as required when a majority is obtained.

These cases involve the constitutionality of the Attorney General Act and the the constitutional status of a recent amendment to the Rules of Decorum respecting Speaker selection. I have found both constitutionally valid.

the threads are here:
Speaker qualification

attorney general act

The Court has provided Congress with promised assistance in relation to the Funding Cap Act prosecution. Congress is now considering if it should excuse any overfunding which occured during the period Dec. 15- Jan. 15.

No submissions on sentence having been received from the offender, the court is deliberating sentence in the rolo matter.

Olivermellors has been invited north for some recreation. All the judges are happy he is going, some deliriously so. Joy abounds. The only damper is that olivermellors is likely going to drop in from time to time even though he will be quite unable to handle the Chief's job. If he ever was.

Plugson, Petz and olivermellors have conferred and, pursuant to the constitution, have resolved that Plugson will act as Chief Justice until Olivermellors returns to full time incarceration in a week or so. Spock is aware. Tooooo aware.