Supply Increase & Recruitment Initiative

Day 1,273, 08:18 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

As stated in my previous article, the increase in production has lead the Independent Legion, which was designed as a commune, to begin accumulating a serious profit. (Approximately 1024CAD/day) Kronos Q tells me that “profit” and “commune” don’t go together, so in order to fix that we’ve begun an increased supply, and the numbers still balance out very well. The Independent Legion is now able to supply eCanadians with 570 units of Q5 food and 104 Q5 weapons daily, all at the very low price of approximately 60CAD a day. All the details on IL’s production, supply, expenses and revenue can be found in this google spreadsheet.

When I first founded the Legion, it was my goal to have a damage output of 1 million influence a day. We’re nearing the half million mark, but we need more members. To do that, I’ve decided to steal a page from the admins book and reward members who can attract new members. I’d offer weapons or food, but I already give you guys plenty of that, and I have something far better than weapons or food. 😉 So here’s how this is gonna work.

If you can get somebody to apply for the Independent Legion, and they work/fight at least 7 times with us, and they let me know you recommended them, I’ll send you a Q5 House. As you can imagine, I don’t have an unlimited amount of houses, so this initiative will last as long as supplies do, which is 30 houses.
