Summary of the Month & Ratings of the Cabinet Members

Day 1,384, 04:06 Published in Austria Austria by erdoni
Ahoi Austrians!

Here I am with you for the last time as president. One month passed quickly and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Now we have all our original regions, which is a result of foreign policies started 3 months ago with President Rangeley and continued along this time. Also many thanks to our allies Poland&Slovakia for their cooperative efforts with us about the safety of the area.

So, what really happened in this term?

- In the last days of the last month, we proposed Poland as Natural Enemy which was arranged by an agreement. The aim was letting Poland to use Austrian lands to reach Croatia. But Croatia didn't risk to face with Poland and retreated from Slovakian and Austrian regions eventually.

- Admin introduced new missions. So by chance, our NE to Poland was also useful to fulfil the NE mission and we later let Slovakia to NE us due to same reason.

- Cause of the Resistance Wars value of 1 ATS increased up to the 0.005 Gold level. So to keep ATS valuable for a longer time and make Austrian citizens benefit from the situation more, we doubled the import taxes from 15% to 30%. But now 1 ATS is 0.002 Gold again so, we can reduce import taxes back I think.

- We have 3 MPPs. Poland, Serbia and Hungary. Could be more but objections stopped me.😁

- Collected 90 Gold for treasury from the congress elections. Thanks again to new congress members for their donations.

- And then..

Ratings of the Cabinet Members

(Please listen this song while reading the rest of the article:

I decided to rate performances of this month's cabinet members and gave each of them points out of 5.

Erdoni: 5 /

LarsUlrich87: -1 /

Luis Grindl: 0.5 /

Rangeley: 0.5 /

Oraizan: 0.5 /

Vreath: 0.5 /

AliasSun: 0.5 /

csaba.pinter: 0.5 /

Mani LeLe: 0.5 /

OEBern😛 0.5 /

Jeanlouis: 0.5 /

Alex Lorre: 0.5 /

Note: The ratings have been given objectively according to some very scientific performance research techniques.. or something like that.

Finally, I wish a succesful month to the upcoming CP, whoever wins the race. And happy 4 September Newspaper Carrier Day to all.

President of eAustria