Suggestion For A New War Module...

Day 271, 07:22 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by silentrazgriz

Did you ever feel that the war in eRepublik is boring? only clicking join button and win/lose at the time?

So, i have some suggestion about it

The soldier must moved into battle in teams of 4

Army Class :

1. Rifleman
The first man that will storm forward straight to the battlefield and will be do the first strike..
Advantage :
The light infantry that can move faster in every terrain and do the first strike
Disadvantage :
Will be the first one who attacked by enemy

2. Sniper
The man that will kill the enemy from behind.
Advantage :
It will be hard to find the snipers
Disadvantage :
Can't find enemy himself

3. Support Gunner(Machine Gunner)
The man that will support rifleman when the rifleman storm the enemy so the rifleman have bigger chance to kill the enemy safely.
Advantage :
Can do critical with 30% chance
Disadvantage :
Have 20% chance to miss

4. Medic
The man that restore wellness in the battle. And bring SMG for defend himself and help the team.
Advantage :
Can restore every hurted friend
Disadvantage :
Can’t restore his/her wellness and the died friend

Str for each type :
Increase chance to do critical in the first hit (str*2.5😵

Increase chance to do headshot (str*2😵

Support Gunner
Increase chance to do 2 times strike (20%+(str*2😵)

Increase restored wellness (str*5😵

Other :
1. Only Team leader can decided to join a battle
2. If 1 team members is offline while in the middle of battle his team stats decreased by 20% for each members offline
3. The soldier will be strikes at random enemy
4. 1 Team didn’t have limit for each type. so it allowed if 1 team have 4 medic or other composition.
5. Each citizen only can choose 1 class forever. so choose wisely

The Turn of the battle :

Turn 1(Attacker)

Rifleman Strikes
Support Gunner Strikes
Medic Strikes if no friend hurt

Turn 2(Defender)

Rifleman Strikes
Support Gunner Strikes
Medic Restored Friend wellness

Turn 3(Snipers)

Attacker snipers strikes
Defender snipers strikes

Back to turn 1...

Vote pls so admin will read this