
Day 1,251, 00:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

I held all the state assets for half a year and not a penny went missing.
Have advised half a dozen Presidents on economic issues.
Am friendly with ICA/IA/CP/MoF, hell even Brian Boru tolerates me!!!
Not a public figure, but ask anyone who's been a citizen of eIreland for a reasonable length of time knows me, I'm a standup Irish citizen wirh a lot to offer the country.
I've been happy to play in the background for forever.
And I'd continue to do just that.....

But now there are some c**ts trying to ruin our country.

I'm not asking for your vote. Don't need to be a Dail member to contribute to the eIrish nation. I'm asking you to search your hearts, do the slightest fact finding about the candidates for the Dail elections.
Write a message to any minister, even the President himself asking who is really who among the candidates.

Don't sell yourself and your nation for a few gold or because some guy claimed he was trying to help eIreland.

5-10 gold won't get you very far in erep, being associated with a c**nt will hold you back for years, just like in real life!

FFS, send me a request and I'll show you how to expand your wealth exponentially! Or get all the goodies you need to make yourself an erep powerhouse!

We have a big reputation in erep, but we are a small community, [u}your vote really can make a difference here![/u]

These elections are being rigged by c**ts trying to put Ireland to the sword.

Don't take just any c**t's word on their intentions, not even mine! Contact someone who has had the opportunity to ruin our nation but has not, because they are loyal citizens of 'the mouse that roars, that's eIreland!!!

As I sai😛 don't just vote for me. I'll be here helping the real Irish citizens. Be they Real-Life Irish, or lovers of our community (and they are numerous, so a big to our 'plastic patties', you've shown your love for us, and we you just as much) whether I'm a Dail member or not. Contact a TRUE authority (not simply a congress member, some of them are enemy agents working to destroy us, much to the REAL Irish government) and ask them where our vote is needed today.

Be it me, be it another loyal candidate, ask someone outside your "circle of friends", 'who is doing what' in our country. Ask a TRUE authority which candidate deserves your support.

We are big/little nation that continues to shock a massive eWorld with what we can do.

Our military has turned the tides of battles.]
We are loved/respected in so may nations
You can be part of this!

I've no pics or flashy things to offer. I'll never earn a Battle Hero Medal, nor a Resistance War Medal, I'll never be President of our great little nation, but if you choose to protect eIreland and our brothers-in-arms You will always have people like me supporting you, militarily, financially, and strategically (and when it comes to financially strategic matters you'll never have a friend like the economic group that is my friends and me!)

Check the archive of the candidate's newspaper before you decide to vote!

Protect our big little nation from conspirators trying to destroy your nation. Take their money if they offer it to you but don't let money or petty gifts sway your decisions to be a real part of the most influential small countries in the eWorld.

I will let the rest of this article and posts go out to the friends of Eireland;

Canooks of Canada: don't let anybody claim this NE between us is hostile, we'll always have your back, and we trust you with our! As long as Ireland lives Canada and the TCO shall never die!

America: Our history goes beyond most peoples' memory. Long live the eUSA!

Belgium: We have known the boot of big nations, and we will be be there to help you cast it off when it returns

Croatia: Words cannot express, we are brothers, one country, one nation, there is a Croatian fire in eIreland that can never die!

Polan😛 How many of your people have settled in Ireland IRL I don't know. Hardworking pale lads who can hold there drink? I've never known better, surely we're of the same people!

EDEN: How often have we stopped big oppressors from opposing themselves upon small nations? It is our greatest pride to carry this banner onto the battlefield!

Wales&Scotlan😛 To the TRUE Scottish and Welsh they will never respect you and can never understand you a we do. We share so much, despite what the nation governing you does we will will always see you as blood. In truth we are!

To all the nations not mentioned here: Shout yourself out and our boys will show our for you! I'm just a accountant really, not a Foreign Affairs Minister and I'll never know the full story of our boy's involvment in your battles. I mean no disrespect. Our big shooters will know our big friends, I'll be at the back of our Big'uns greasing the wheels.

Once again people of eIrelan😛 your vote counts. Don't be swayed by petty bribes or false grandiose statements. Fight for our nation with your votes as well as your bodies!

Sorry for the big text and the lack of pics, everyone who knows me knos I'm a 'wall-of-text' guy! LOL