Subtle Changes

Day 1,128, 15:14 Published in USA USA by Jacksondr5

Join a party!, Invite your friends In eRepublik! (bad grammar on that one), Check out the eRepublik World Map!, etc.

At first I was like "Who was stupid enough to spend GOLD on those ads? Oh, wait, nvm, its an admin ad."

These new admin ads are the only things we see now, because there's only one actual article advertising atm. I think admins are desperate for gold, don't you? Either that or there's too many dead ppl. But, that's not the only change coming to a game near you, there's also some LATE holiday missions. Really, procrastinating admins much. 3 DAYS TILL XMAS. EVERYONE'S GONE, ppl have lives you know.

These missions are new to say the least. Moving to deer regions and consuming a ton of food, or using gold to increase production. Seems like an attempt at an economy booster to me, which is probably a bad thing for the eUSA. Right now prices are so high, we don't want people eating more, cus then food prices skyrocket.

Now, I don't expect many people to complete the first mission, but the second is looking more possible, and could have some big impacts on the food market.
