Subscription Rates and Party Activvity

Day 235, 05:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

I have sent messages to every party president asking them to do a activity check in their own parties. I will use this information to give a more accurate glance at the true numbers of each party. All citizens it is very important that you respond to these activity checks. I know everyone would like to see the results so everyone needs to participate. I dont know how your leader will do these checks but I assume he will write a press release and count all who comment. So be particularly attentive to the press release section.

Also I noticed most of the top newspapers in Ireland are inactive. I know Irish Domination was everyone favorite 🙂 and also we still hold Paddy in high regard but we need to subscribe to papers and replace these two with active editorials. It is not a good sign of our country if all of our top newspapers or either history or extremely inconsitent in publishing. So make sure to subscribe to a newspaper if you think it is good. If it is mine you subscribe to all the better.