Subscription Button, Market Info, Total Productivity Scripts

Day 815, 16:58 Published in USA USA by Endy

First make sure your newspaper is in your citizenship country. Go ahead and write your article like normal.

Open "Edit newspaper details" in a new tab, change the location to the country you desire. Go back to the write article page and click Publish. 🙂

If you appreciate this advice please subscribe. If you don't appreciate this advise please subscribe. If you have no oppinion of this advise please subscribe. If none of these situations applies to you please... yeah, you guessed it Subscribe! 😉

Probably going to be the last scripts I release prior to V2. I'm expecting some pretty big changes on the site layout. I've actually been getting some decent downloads, so some of you may already have these, but for everyone that doesn't:

Subscription Button:

Restores the Subscription button to its place of Glory. Not the same icon though it actually looks cooler now. For all those who downloaded it already, I went and added a little arrow/back-up link. So hah, I'm making you all go download it again. 😉

Market Info:

On the Market Place, reveals company's nation upon hovering over the company's name.


Gives total productivity for all the workers on the employee page.


A number of my own scripts and others are likely to be messed up come V2.

If you ever want to uninstall a script, right-click on the little monkey, click on Manage User Scripts. Then select the script you want to remove and click uninstall. If the script is a type that stores any information, should check the "Also uninstall associated preferences" box before you uninstall.

🙂" class="fluid_blue_dark_medium subscribeToNewspaper" href="#">Ebircsbus

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