Suave - Your Biped for the North West

Day 1,434, 01:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rico Suave
Greetings eSouth Africans!

With the elections coming up you've got your politicians telling everyone how great they are. I wouldn't want to miss out on that.

Congressman Suave caring for the young.

eSouth Africa is enjoying a time of peace(well, no one is attacking us anyway..)and prosperity. I can't remember the last time we were in this place.

Rico - Moving forward

We need to make the most of this situation. My ambitions for my country are:

Transparency - Wherever possible eSouth African citizens must be kept in the loop.

Efficiency - Keep It Simple Stupid. Committees for the sake of committees? No thanks!

Diversity - With national security follows proper democracy. Let's make the most of it. A society with many and diverse political parties is a healthy society.

Vote Suave, vote PSU!