Strengthening and Growing Germany - How You Can Make A Difference!

Day 776, 20:42 Published in Germany Germany by Alex Drex

Hello my fellow Germans and friends of Germany,

Germany, and much of Europe, as we all know are in dark times. However, it is during times of darkness that we find out who our real friends are, and strengthen those friendships. It's during times like these that we demonstrate that we will not go down without a fight. It's during times like this that we prove that our enemies may take our regions and try to erase our country from the map, but they can never erase us, nor our friendship with our allies, our unity, or our individual citizens. Even IF our enemies can remove us entirely from the map they will never remove us from eRepublik, and we will come back ever stronger than before. However, before any enemy will remove Germany from the map they will have to go through hell and back to accomplish that. So let's give them an even harder time to do it!

How You Can Help!

Follow official government orders. Only follow orders given by government officials/government accounts like the Bundeswehr and it's newspaper Wehrverwaltung. Ignore fake orders that are published by the enemy to confuse our players!

Grab one, and get fighting!

Don't hoard all of your money. Spend money on weapons to increase your damage in battle, not necessarily expensive high quality weapons, but if you have over 5 strength you should be using Q1 weapons for your battles. This will help increase your damage dealt to enemies, and also help you gain ranks faster, which will also help boost your damage. However, if you cannot afford to use weapons, then don't spend everything you have on weapons and forget about your wellness, etc.

Recruit a friend. Tell one of your friends about eRepublik. Just one. Get them to sign up using your referrer link. Teach them how to play, get them involved in the community. If they need help, help them out, have them ask someone if you don't know the answer, many of us here are extremely willing to help out our new citizens. If all of the active players in Germany invited just one friend and kept them in the game, we would have around 600-800 more players to fight and help defend Germany in about a week. Remember though, inform those who you invite about the situation Germany is in, in order for them to be the most productive citizen of Germany they can be, they should join in Saarland so that they can regain wellness using the Q5 hospital. Once they reach level 6 you will be rewarded with 5 gold, you can use this gold in your fight to free/defend Germany and our allies. Although you can keep all the gold you earn for yourself, I will be donating 3 of every 5 gold I earn from my referrer link to the Bundesbank to help Germany even more, if anyone else would like to join me in doing this, please do, I think we can raise a good amount of money for Germany! Of course you can always recruit more than one player, and it is high encouraged that you do so, but keeping the new players playing is the hardest and most important part, so that should always be the priority!

Sign up on the forums and use the German IRC If you truly want to get involved in the German society on eRepublik you will need to sign up on the German Forums and be active on the IRC. The IRC is very important to communicating and planning. And is just a good way to chat for any purpose, but especially in the times we are in. So please, sign up for the forums, log into the IRC and get chatting! I would love to see some more of you there!

Support a German Baby Boom Information on how to vote in my signature on this and every one of my articles!

Thank you all for reading! I am looking forward to fighting and serving with many of you for the weeks to come in our hard fought and vicious war against the oppression of Poland and our enemies. Do not forget to move to Saarland if you have not already, and inform those you invite to do the same.

Finally, I would like to give a shout out to our allies, especially the UNL and UK. Thank you very much for all you have done for Germany! The United Netherlands and the United Kingdom have deliberately put themselves into harms way to help defend Germany and stop the Polish expansion and oppression of Germany. Also, thank you to our allies in Phoenix who have been defending Germany, I realize many of you have been busy fighting to defend your own regions/colonies elsewhere, but are still able to spare some of your troops to defend us. Thank you, our enemy is great, and if they are not stopped soon, they will cause problems for more countries than just Germany!

To all international readers, friends or enemies of Germany! Please support our baby boom. A game with more players, even more enemies is always more interesting, so why not support? At the very least we will be able to provide more of a challenge for you, our enemies, and more military support to you, our allies!

Thanks for reading, also, sorry it is not in German as well.

Best Regards,
Alex Drex
-Ambassador to US and Canada
-OMG Vice President

Ipsa scientia potesta est.
Knowledge itself is power.

Vote for the German Baby Boom! You can vote every 24 hours, so please bookmark and vote every day!

Sign this suggestion for eRep to take place in a German Game Award!
And this suggestion for an All Battles button in the Training Grounds!

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