Strength & Damage

Day 3,182, 08:12 Published in Serbia Serbia by UniverseGhost

Strength is the main military skill of the new world. Strength affects the amount of damage citizens deal by one hit. It can be increased by training in the various training grounds. Sometimes it can be achieved by completing missions or appear as a prize in the weekly challenge. By gaining strength you can even achieve the super soldier achievement which is given for every progression in 250 strength points.


Citizens, while fighting, deal damage by hitting and killing the enemy. The damage is added as influence to the influence bar, sometimes with slight changes due to determination bonus. Eventually, the side who deals the highest amount of damage wins. Citizens deal damage after every kill. One kill may take several hits. It depends on the stats of both attacker and defender.

The amount of damage citizens deal by one hit is affected by multiple factors:

• The citizen's strength
• The citizen's military rank
• The citizen's weapon

There are few other factors that may affect the damage citizens deal by one hit:

• Natural enemy bonus adds 10% to the total damage dealt by basic weapons and bazookas.
• Damage boosters add 50% to the total damage dealt by weapons and bazookas.

Basic damage formula:

Damage dealt by 1 hit = 10*(1+Your Strength/400)*(1+Rank Number/5)*(1+Fire-Power/100)

• Military ranks have a kind of serial number. For more information visit the military ranks page.
• Each weapon has a different fire power. For more information visit the basic weapons page.