Strategic Guide [ Military Reforms in India] by Wall_ster

Day 1,055, 01:07 Published in India India by Wall_ster

Hello my Fellow Indians. Today I write this article to share my experience and the different strategic ways in which the New War Module can be used in Indias advantage to win many battles. In days after the CP elections Pakistan under Dios have gone severly strong and attacked us with a huge army of the Devil.

The huge army of the Devil Dio Himself

They have been pushing into our lines like a Knife Pushes through Butter .We have faught with our full strenght but till now we have not yet been able to give them decent resistance anywhere in any battle. I wondered and wondered why is this happening. Are Indian soldiers Weak??? We are short of allies is that the reason why we are losing??? Or the current Dio Leader is too rich and always uses his financial strength to win wars???

Well I wondered and wondered a lot. All the above questions ran rampant in my Mind. First I taught all the above reasons were true and thats why we are losing and there is no hope left. But when I further analyzed this matter and saw the patterns of our fights I realized we fight like "Donkeys". Completely unorganized. We are not even putting up a decent Resistance cause we are completely unorganized. We fight like a Losened bands of Barbarians.Thats why our soldiers are getting slaughtered everywhere.

Our Soldiers getting slaughtered in Jammu and Kashmir

So in order to prevent any such disaster from further happening I am gonna tell my analysis of this new battle format and how we Indians should fight these battles and exploit it to our advantage.

First Introduction to New Battle Format
1) The entire Battle is divided into 8 parts
2) Each Part has timeperiod of 2 hours each
3) At the End of 2 hours whichever side has more than 50% dominance wins that Mini Battle
4) To win the entire battle a side has to win all 8 mini battles before the other side
5) This War will not end until a side wins 8 of its mini battles

Ok these are the Basic Format of battle which by now all the people in erepublik would have known. So how do we Indians Exploit it. Thats the Question???

First of all in this time of crisis I want every eIndian not to be selfish and help the government as much as they can. How can fellow eIndians help the government in winning Wars.

Few steps that can be taken by people are
1) Subscribe to Ministry of Defence newspaper. Its link is :

2) Stay active on IRC. Come to the Indian IRC regularly and talk to top government officials regarding battle plan and strategies. Its link is :

3) Move to North East India. If you can afford tickets then please buy it. If you cant afford it contact here :

I request all eIndians to follow this basic steps and aid the eIndian government in this war.

Ok after implementing this part comes the part in participating in battles. I want every Indian for the moment to hold their fights. I know War are happening this moment in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra but its a lost battle no use in figting in them. So hear it loud and clear hold your fights.

Now things to be done in a battle. We all know mini battles are of 2 hours. So the plan is During the first One and half hour of the battle nobody and I mean nobody is to fight. I know it sounds strange but its the best plan First One and half hour of a mini battle nobody is to fight. Then the period that remains to fight is just half an hour. During the first 25 minutes of this half an hour only and only Tanks or the Strongest players are to fight. These players include players who have a skill level of more than 8 in whatever their weapon. They will fight with whtever they got. Using gold, money, etc etc. If government has financial power we will be assisting Tanks with Gold in order to win battles. Ok and the last 5 minutes of the battle. Most Deciding time of any battle. In this last 5 minutes I want every eIndian who has a skill of less than 8 to fight and to put all that he has got to win the battle for us. Make sure that at any cost we get more than 50% of the battle bar. Do anything to achieve it.

So in simple steps every eIndian from now on will fight in mini battles in these form.
1) First One and half hour of Mini Battle : No Fights
2) Next 25minutes of Mini Battle : Only Tanks (Top Ranked) Players will fight
3) Last 5minutes of battle : Everybody irrespective of rank will fight and try and bring victory

But do follow the orders of where to fight carefully while implementing these steps because thats what matters the most.
Yours Faithfully MoFA India

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