Straatpup's Quest 3.0

Day 1,616, 06:23 Published in Netherlands Brazil by straatpup

dear, eRepublikans

This is already my third quest and at the moment it has 36 participants. This is still not that much so please share my quests with everyone you know.

today is the Miss eWorld voting and that brought me to the quest of this week.

the quest:
search for a picture that you think is beautifull and post it at the comments.
(for this u can use

On this quest I am going to make a voting sheet where your fellow eRepublikans can vote the most beautifull picture.
1-st price: 5000NLG
2-nd price: 2500NLG
3-rd price: 1000NLG
also a price for the ugliest picture: 500NLG

you may not vote for yourself.

Participate in my previous quest and get 200NLG!!

greetz & success, Straatpup (SSoRC)

Straatpup's quest is sponsered & made by me, The Big Dogg!!
(Straatpup's Quest is an official quest sponsored by The Dutch Government)

other Sponsors:
Joshua Morriseau

(sponsors welcome)