straatpup's quest 1.0

Day 1,602, 06:27 Published in Netherlands Brazil by straatpup

dear, eRepublikans

Since I joined the taskforce of Recruitement & Coaching, I searched for ways to make the eDutch more active. After a short search, I came to the conclusion that the only way to make people more active, is to entertain them.

So I came to the idea of Straatpup's quest.
Straatpup's quest is a weekly quest for all people who think my newspaper is awesome. You'll have all week to complete the quest, so take your time. sometimes, there can be one winner, but other times there can be more. The quest is made to entertain, but mostly to activate people to play erepublik as much as they can.

The Quest:
the quest of this week, is to find me a new profile pic.
it must be a dog or a wolf.

The Rewar😛
the one who sends me the best pic, gets 100 Q2 food.

Straatpup's quest is made, sponsered and thought of by straatpup.
(sponsers are welcome)

(if you have a good idea for the next quest, PM me. If I'm going to use your idea, you'll get 50 Q2 food.)

greetz & success, Straatpup (SSoRC & DCoC)