Story of eIndia.

Day 659, 01:23 Published in Indonesia India by kansarasumit

There are not too many things that make up the everyday agenda of an eIndian. Strive to make eIndia more money with the resources that we have, establish a stable government, discuss and debate national issues and spread the idea of ‘Work Hard and Earn Respect’. eIndian people have worked everyday in unison towards a goal I like to term – ‘Peace, Progress and Prosperity’.

Government of eIndia has always boasted that eIndia is a peaceful country and people of eIndia have reciprocated with their discipline and a fair conduct. eIndian Business sector and the eIndian Foreign policy has always been amorous to cater any needs of foreign nations and I am certain - Countries from all across the world have made large profits from the offerings of our eIndia.

The eIndian Community is not only made of RL Indians but also RL nationals from all across the world. Infact, most of the founding fathers of eIndia are not RL Indians. eIndia is a Secular Nation with very matured morals and eIndia is proud of its each and every Citizen. eIndia has open/free market system which has not only helped eIndia grow and prosper – but also served foreign powers and organizations. Our Ideology revolves around Peace, Progress and Prosperity of eIndia and of the world. We want to have fun, make good friends, and sharpen our skills that this game develops.

People of eIndia also have dreams. eIndians dream that someday the natural states of eIndia might be returned to eIndia. The government did not spend hours ‘ordering’ the citizens to be patient and calm, it just came naturally. eIndian citizens have behaved matured and been patient to allow the foreign diplomacy to do its effective work. We aware that the epic world war is still been fought and our neighbors are engaged in that war. We respect positions and refrain from bothering any government.

But, nevertheless, I would also urge the leaders and people to understand the position of the People of eIndia. We have proved over the time that our focus is on development of eIndia and being an aid to every nation in the world. We work very hard to earn each every fraction of gold we own, we are disciplined and matured. We are supporters of Peace and Progress. Yet, eIndia does NOT have even a single of its natural high resource region. I strongly believe the people of eIndia have maintained a PERFECT code of conduct, weathering all adversities and earned the right to see some of its natural states returned. Keep yourself in the place of an eIndian citizen and I beg you to feel our emotions.

I know this process cannot be done overnight, but efforts can be initiated. Help me give hope to the people of eIndia that someday we will see a unified eIndia. Complete eIndia. A hope which will motivate them to keep up the good work they are doing and soon their efforts will reap glorious fruits. eIndonesia has been a GREAT friend of eIndia and will always be, It is promise of every eIndian that People of eIndonesia will have all our goodwill and prayers.

Thank You for reading and allowing me some space on the media.

For the deserving People of eIndia.

In the interest of developing and strengthening our friendship.

Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Government of eIndia
And A Patriot.