Story of a Congress Election, Aug '09

Day 652, 20:41 Published in India India by India United
Dear Citizens of eIndia!
Welcome to the India United family!!!

This article has been pending, due to the recent series of challenging circumstances. Firstly, the party issue reared its ugly head, leading to the unfortunate resignation of both ArjaaAine, IU Party President and Jelly9473, DPI, Party President. The issue was just resolved when an article was written by Aj123, claiming eIndia is in the grips of foreign hands and traitors. It resulted in the 3rd impeachment proposal in 2 months for President shail.back, which he of course survived with majority public support as always. What followed then was the tragic incident of the Azad Hind Fauj robbery, where perpetrators hacked into the Organization of AHF, and stole 800-1000 gold worth of assets. Thanks to the earnest efforts of some of our Citizens, almost all our asset-worth was recovered, and the perpetrators apprehended. We, of India United, congratulate all involved & eIndia for standing firm in the midst of this crisis. On this note, we would like to publish some of the details from the last elections.

The intent of this article and the some of the statistics to follow is not to take any high stand, but showcase some ways that India United's efforts have been bearing fruit over the past 2 months.

Congratulations India United, Democratic Party of India, eIndia on your new line-up of Congress!!! Before we open the champagne, and put on our party hats however let us see what the numbers tell us and what they mean for eIndia!
Congress Elections, Aug-Sept, 09 has been a revelation & many records have been set! Here are some of the stats:

Total number of Congressmen: 40

Congressmen / Congress Nominees (% of Congress):
[Aug-Sept, 09]
IU: 27 / 28
DPI: 13 / 21

[Jul-Aug, 09]
IU: 22 / 24
DPI: 18 / 20

Total number of votes:
[Aug-Sept, 09]
IU: 106/156
DPI: 50/156

[Jul-Aug, 09]
IU: 63/122
DPI: 59/122

Candidates with highest number of votes:
[Aug-Sept, 09]
Overall: David Forde (47 votes)
IU: David Forde (47 votes)
DPI: BroodRoosterNL (10 votes)
Jelly9473 (10 votes)

[Jul-Aug, 09]
Overall: BroodRoosterNL (22 votes)
IU: BroodRoosterNL (22 votes)
DPI: Jelly9473 (12 votes)

First-time Congressmen Aug-Sept, 09:
IU: 12 out of 27
DPI: 1 out of 13

Key facts:
- 156 total votes is a new record for eIndia!
- 27 congressmen are the highest from any party till date
- 47 votes (David Forde) is the highest by any congressmen from any state
- 13 first time congressmen

Why are we stating the obvious, one might ask? The reason is simple. It is a validation of what we stand for. India United is the heart of eIndia and this election is just a reaffirmation of that.

We come to reason, not to dominate. We do not seek to have our way, but to find a common way. ~ Lyndon Baines Johnson

This is for all those leaders who have been braving storms of criticism, over their allegedly undemocratic ways. This has been a show of faith for those who have not let up in their effort to work for the nation. This has been a concrete proof that new leaders are emerging and being fostered by their seniors at every step. This is a validation that Unity isn’t just an empty theory, but it’s the path we walk.

He serves his party best who serves the country best. ~ Ruthford B. Hayes

It would be irresponsible to think, our work is over now that we have seats in Congress. To carry forth on the pledges set forth, we would request all congressmen to adhere to these VITAL guidelines:
- Donate the 5g gained to the Indian Government Bank (a record is kept, so an update of it will be put up in forum & the IAI paper)
- Discuss in forum for at least 24 hours, before making any proposal in congress – (All proposals that do NOT adhere to this rule, will be Rejected)
- Do NOT accept Citizenship requests unless cleared by National Police Force (Follow the Citizenship request thread in Forum for updates and instructions)

We have already have had some proposals wasted, and some from India United Congress members themselves. Moreover, Aj123 was a Congressman from our party, and we deeply regret having put up such a candidate.
We, UgoRafaelle & maverick10, as leaders of India United sincerely apologize to our voters and the eIndian public, for the irresponsibility/ignorance shown by some.

In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power, but carries the ultimate responsibility. ~ Norman Cousins

Let the recent events all be a learning lesson for all of us & let this be a new direction for eIndia. We, the members and Congress of India United have pledged to protect eIndia, and place her best interest before ours, and we reaffirm that pledge today. We invite you, the citizens of eIndia; join us on this path to take eIndia to the greater glory. eIndia needs her citizens to be active and involved; join our forums, and make yourself heard. Don’t be sheep, who follow orders of the shepherd, but lions, who are not afraid to ROAR! Also have the spirit to learn, to listen to those who lead us on this path, and have more than proved their capabilities and sincerity.

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation. ~ J. F. Clarke

Your potential awaits you. Take the right action. Join our India United family. Unite with us on this great mission. Make a difference.

Once again, congratulations to our Congressmen, a thank you to all those who voted for IU candidates, best wishes to those who didn’t win this time & a thank you to DPI for their effort.

Lets build a better, stronger eIndia.

India United Team

The India United Vision Statement (manifesto) will be out in complete soon. Watch this space for updates.
For any queries, regarding any matter, contact, Party President, UgoRaffaele, and Vice Party President, maverick10. (On msn messenger @

Vice Party President
India United

Party President
India United

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* Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Toh Sur Bane Hamara
Watch the video at:
The vision of Unity in Diversity is what India United identifies with most. This is our theme, and our motto. It essentially translates as: "When my tune and your tune merge, it becomes our tune".

Let us merge our tunes, our hearts and our actions for the sake of eIndia!

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