Stop Complaining people!!

Day 429, 02:49 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

+Everyday the homepage is filled with people saying this is wrong and that is stupid and its going to be a blunder.

Its a FREE game, where you pay only if you want to.

They are doing us a service by providing us this game for our enjoyment and entertainment.
It just seems like you got free food, and then you are complaining how it gave you diarrhea.

Everyone needs positive feedback... its the same case in this virtual world.
I am not asking for your unconditional positive regard but thoughtful appreciation of what they have done for us and what they are trying to do.

With a game this large, everyone has a suggestion... Do you think they can implement it all?

They are trying to find the grounds to please most people. They may not be successful all the time, but they have done a darn good job if the game got over 50k registered accounts in such a short time.

If they make any mistake, give them time to rectify or at least try and understand why they are doing it....

So So many of you are crying over the Trivia system... I want to know how many know the reason admins put it in place. They may have a strong reason to have it despite all the negative feedback or maybe the positive feedback is more than the negative one. I am not sure, but I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. You should try too.

Just like in the media, where crimes are highlighted and good deeds goes unknown. We are always pointing out admins mistakes and faults.

Say thanks to them for creating this wonderful game; Say thanks to them for manufacturing grounds for us to meet so many cool people.


Thanks admins for giving me something to do while I am bored at work.
Thanks for helping me understand the complex capitalist market in a simpler manner.
Thanks for having such a detailed Wiki page which is incredibly helpful to so many of us starting new.
Thanks for showing that there are no cultural boundaries in an online world.

Thanks for such an impressive monetary system.
Thanks for such an Incredible Company-Organization system.
Thanks for trying to make the game as fair as possible.
Thanks for having such detailed and enthralling statistics pages, which I can never get enough of.
Thanks for making us not create a new account for the forums.
Thanks for making the eNewspaper, I didn't even work this hard fixing my grammar in my English class. LOL...jk


Guys just try to imagine your own dilemma when you have worked hard on a problem for many hours and never seem to get what's wrong with it.
Or you solved it after hours of work and then someone tells you its stupid and absolutely useless.


Give them tough love, don't hate them or despise them just because something is not what you hoped it would be.

I hate the speed limits on freeways, but I don't hate the government for putting them there.
I barely know anyone who says they like speed limits, but it’s necessary.

I hate to work to get money, but I have to.
I hate to study to get good grades, but I have to.

So, to everyone who is being a b***h about what admins are doing, RELAX.. Give them criticism but constructive, something which will encourage them to fix things and not get pissed off at you.'>
Forum post


I don't know the admins, I have never talked to them; but I get angry at all those hate news and forum posts.
I am not targeting this at anyone, but everyone in general.
Don't start fighting over this, if you disagree politely point it out and criticize it like a gentleman/gentlewoman.

Have a good eDay.