Stone by Stone

Day 976, 10:52 Published in Israel USA by Joe DaSmoe

Hello citizens of Israel.

I came to this country about a week ago with hopes of starting fresh in a country I have always felt strongly about. My hope is that this is a step in the right direction.

The economy of a country determines the path of each nation here in eRepublik. A solid and dynamic economy is desired and fought for by almost every country in game. Economies are the backbone of any successful society in game.

The problems that Israel faces are many.
Not only is the population small, but jobs are sometimes unavailable due to the weak economy. Without any raw materials of her own, Israel must import to meet her needs. Because of this, the labor force of Israel must be nudged into industries that this small vibrant country can use to its benefit. The key here will be information. Getting the word out to active citizens to have them utilize their skills is essential. In my opinion, Israel's economy can benefit by encouraging exporting of manufactured goods as well as a set currency peg. By placing a large amount of currency on the market and holding Israel's currency down, it will be profitable for Israeli business to export to countries with a much higher currency peg. By taking this approach, our workforce will be utilized in the best possible manner.

With this in mind, and seeing the need for jobs here, I have opened a housing company to employ citizens. My hope is to provide decent wages for some and to help grow the economy here. Housing is now a perishable aspect of the game and will become more in demand as eRep's old houses fall down. This company will operate at a loss for sometime, I hope find some good employees who are willing to help get this project of the ground.

"Stone by Stone" we can help build a steady economy and a stable workforce for Israel, it wont be quick or easy, and will literally have to be done one "stone" at a time.

Here is the company, if you are interested in helping out, feel free to join, or pm me. Working together, we can provide our citizens affordable housing and begin to steer Israel into a specialist nation.
Israeli Homes

~Joe DaSmoe