still surfing

Day 1,029, 16:17 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Daniel Parker

is this how admins surf?

although I quit a couple of weeks ago, and later just retired into Plato´s cave, this country (and erepublik in general) has serious issues, and I just cannot sit at the sideline doing nothing.
So I decided to step out of retirement.
I recently took up the job of deputy chairman, which I quite like. (see latest update here)
Also today you can re-elect me again for Party President of the Independent Party.
But I´m also open for other jobs/tasks in the near future as well. Such as helping Frerk out with R&C things like a babyboomsite (

This is for all of you still riding the giant wave of admin failures, let those waves come, we can handle all of them!

jeez I wish I lived in Australia sometimes 😛