Still Alive

Day 1,279, 15:37 Published in Japan Japan by exReality

This second week went much smoother than the first week. We were able to get some of the things I had planned, done. We were created a national military unit with the Emperor as head and in addition we were able to pass a Private MU clause, where Congress would decide on funding in times of war. Even though it’s not exactly what I wanted, I guess it was a good enough compromise.

The reason behind the proposed legislation is my belief that fundamentally, private military units can be a double edged sword. They weaken the central government military strength but it offers citizens different viable options which could in turn raise their activity level. My hope was to unify all these groups through contracts, in order to retain that military strength. Congress wished to maintain some independence from the privately owned military factions, because they believed that private units were formed to be separated from the government and should stay independent or otherwise join as a branch under the JIA. However in the end, Congress’s decision seemed reasonable as well.

We also stepped forward in terms of foreign policy. I plan to get more MPPs with members in our alliance, in addition to other mpps with different countries to secure our own interests in the future. We got some talks started to make this happen and they’re posted on the Congress forums, here if you’re interested. We have a few ambassador reports published and written by Erive and Oramakoma Buramako who wrote about Belgium and Turkey respectively. These reports are very insightful and give us a brief glimpse of the other nation’ structure and leads to a more effective diplomacy. So sign up as ambassador, especially if you’re a bi-lingual.

Empress Day ran by Master Tigers was also a success. There were some complaints about candidates being disqualified and such. But the general rule of thumb is if you don’t want to sleep with the character, they’re usually not qualified to be empress. Anyways, I don’t have much planned for the Culture ministry but I am open to suggestions. This is also partially the reason MoCH is run by citizens.

And that’s about it.

Second week over.

President exReality
