Steve Steinbeck for UKRP PP

Day 817, 18:23 Published in United Kingdom Croatia by Arrlo

For the first time for several months, the United Kingdom Reform Party has a genuine election to choose its party president. Our beloved Raziel Darkheart has decided to step down as leader, and two leading candidates have emerged to take on the unenviable task of following in his footsteps: Goku Jones and Steve Steinbeck.

I’m endorsing Steve’s campaign. I’ll tell you why.

Since joining the UKRP, Steve has been a breath of fresh air to our community. From the very beginning he has shown an impressive eagerness to help with every task that running the party entails, from writing articles for the UKRP newspaper to organising private message campaigns to improve member activity.

Steve’s career on erepublik has seen him joining the country’s armed forces, working in the Ministry of Home Affairs, and, crucially, winning a seat in Congress for the UKRP.

It is no secret that the UKRP has stalled somewhat, with the TUP leading the UK political parties in the number of party members by an impressive margin, and the RFA running an excellent Jan-Feb Congress campaign. So to take the party forward, Steve has made exciting proposals, and if he is elected, the party will come together under his leadership to put these ideas into practice for the improvement of the party.

Finally an enormous thank you to Raziel Darkheart. Not only did he oust Ajay, rebuilt the party from the ashes of Ajay’s ruinous tenure and lead the party to some of its best election showings, but on a personal level he was also instrumental in involving me in the game during my earliest playing days. Raziel, we salute you!

Jealous much of my mad photo enhancing skills? Give me a break!