Stepping Down

Day 657, 13:32 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by AJ Johnson

I'm announcing that I will not be seeking re-election to be the party president of the UPP. I think I've done what I can with this party and I should let someone else get a crack at it. I will be continuing my work as PP until my term is up, and I still intend on getting a party org by the end of it. The reason behind this move is I have been fairly busy in RL and not as active here as much as I should be for this position.

As for the future PP, I would support one of the older members of our party to step up to the plate. Also, one that is very active in the game and the forum, ect. If it turns out nobody wants my PP spot or the new one sucks, I'll come back to being PP.

On another note, this newspaper would have no function without all of my party crap, so it'll change its face by the time the next article comes out. That's about it, thanks for reading.