Stealing Is Wrong (LOL)

Day 3,061, 15:16 Published in USA Serbia by Adolphus Broadnax

Each week, I get some angry messages from people from whom I've taken Battlefield Hero awards away. They vary in tone from annoyance to outrage, but they are all entertaining. Most of them accuse me of "stealing" their BH award. Stealing it? No, I earned it.

I will attempt to take any BH whenever I please. I'll take it from anyone, anywhere, at any time (with the exception that I don't steal from fellow War Inc. members).

When you yell, whine, or cry to me about it, know this: your salty tears of rage and frustration nourish me. They give me the ammunition to continue taking your awards and reducing you to a blubbering heap on the floor. Your threats mean nothing to me. What are you going to do to me, "steal" a BH from me? Good. Go for it. I enjoy the challenge.

This is a game of war, not a game of checkers or Parcheesi. There's no point in getting mad about it and you have no basis to do so. Pissing you off is one of the best parts of this game. Keep getting mad.

And now, a short quote I've always love😛

Here's a sigh to those who love me
And a smile to those who hate;
But, whatever sky's above me
Here's a heart for any fate.

-Lord Byron

If I stole your BH and you want to do something about it, go for it. Do what you can do about it. Lawyer up, delete Facebook, and hit the gym.

AB out.