Staying Well in a Changing World?

Day 849, 20:27 Published in USA Pakistan by Battle Dino

Stranded with low wellness?

Beserking got you near dead?

Forgot to heal before the hospital change took effect?

If any of these things have you stumped don't worry. Your problems are about to be solved.

Full health before the hospital change? Slowly lowering health during? And now that the change is in effect almost dead or dead?

If you have low wellness and you are no longer able to heal back to full health due to the new hospital rule, there are a few options available.

1) Contact the UIP via this link UIP Wellness Assistance

2) Contact a friend to get them to gift you.

3) Buy an org and gift yourself

4) Buy high Q food to heal yourself quicker

5) Buy a house, or upgrade your house to a higher Q.

All of these things will help you boost your wellness. However, you may have to take alternative steps as well.

1) Avoid training, granted you will miss out on experience and the boost to your strength. BUT you will also retain 1 wellness.

2) Do not move. Unless it is election time or you are in a fighting force, you should be stationary anyway, but by not moving you will retain the wellness you might have missed out on.

3) Take a lower Q job. This is a slightly more radical step too, you will lose less wellness for working, but at the same time you will make less money so you may not be able to buy higher Q food.

Of course these things are not free, however, if you are helped I only ask 2 things. First, consider joining the UIP. Secondly, as you received the help from someone, pass along the help to another person. After all that is how we help people.

This is Pikezh638 signing out and saying, "Watch out for the falling BBQ"