Stay A Step Ahead

Day 1,262, 14:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by


My Gratitude
First off I want start by saying thank you to everyone who voted my article and subscribed yesterday.

The Problem
I am not going to comment on our elections right now, I want to make sure you know of the evil that is brewing. The evils of our Neighbors who we so constantly have tension between. If you didn't hear the British elections contain Candidates such as Rodney Mckay and Artela who's national goals if elected is to capture Irish Land. If they don't strike first it seems that Jacques Cousteau might. With his national goal being to capture Wales and Northern Ireland. Don't get me wrong I respect Jacques Cousteau and everything he has done, but if he is elected does he really have the goal of starting the Great War between eIreland and the eUK? With both sides having MPP's with Superpower nations like ePoland and eServia. Are we going to let the BCH get what they want? If it boils down to war, I'm not going to care about who threw the first punch. I don't care who started it, its who ends it that matters.

Stay A Step Ahead