StatistiX International N°1

Day 943, 03:22 Published in Serbia France by MikeOfDeath

StatistiX, the french newspaper about statistics, is happy to inaugurate it’s international version.

I’ll publish every week or every 2 weeks an article which presents the evolution of population number and experience points in the main countries of eRepublik. For that, I’ll focus on the top 10 countries. Because charts talk better than words, I won’t analyze a lot.

At the beginning of the week the top ten was :

1) Polan😛 29403
2) Serbia : 25755
3) Brazil : 25638
4) Spain : 23490
5) USA : 20004
6) Russia : 19342
7) Indonésia : 15011
😎 Hungary : 14109
9) Romania : 11915
10) Croatia : 11771

Today, one week later, the new top 10 :

1) Poland : 27799 =
2) Serbia : 24852 =
3) Brazil : 21574 =
4) USA : 18795 +1
5) Russia : 18579 +1
6) Spain : 18243 -2
7) Hungary : 15595 +1
😎 Indonesia : 13476 -1
9) Bulgaria : 11047 +2
10) Romania : 10663 -1

Three things are important to notice:
- The first one is the global population decrease. We can easily see that a massive baby death is in progress in the eWorld. That’s a bad news, for every country and every GM.
- The second thing is the evolution of Spain. With the loss of Aquitaine and Rhone Alps, Spain lost a lot of inhabitants. In the same time, French and Hungarian population increased.
- The last one is the Bulgarian population. It’s the only country where population increased in a natural matter. A baby-boom occurred in Bulgaria two weeks ago and we can now see the positive consequences for this country.

The chart presents the evolution since 2 weeks of top 10 countries + some others.

To enlarge, right clic and show the picture

And know, let’s deal with experience points. 10 weeks ago we had :

1) Serbia : 24590828
2) Russia : 21508057
3) Spain : 21460399
4) Poland : 20271881
5) Hungary : 16285989
6) USA : 15024101
7) Romania : 11857841
😎 Brazil : 8502075
9) Croatia : 8474094
10) Greece : 6775937

Today, one week later, the new top 10 :

1) Serbia : 26454002 =
2) Russia : 20961205 =
3) Poland : 20434542 +1
4) Hungary: 19217159 +1
5) Spain : 16456520 -2
6) USA : 14788421 =
7) Romania : 11928243 =
😎 Brazil : 8491062 =
9) Croatia : 8463508 =
10) China : 7323900 +1

We can notice that :

- Experience points are not increasing or decreasing, this stagnation is due to the compensation between death and global levelling.
- These points depend on the battles localisations, with major increases for Serbia, China and France due to the battle, and Hungary due to the Rhone Alps conquest.

To enlarge, right clic and show the picture

See you next time for the new countries top 10 newspaper. Vote+Sub if you found my article interesting.