State of the WTP over Snow Sunday

Day 4,143, 12:12 Published in USA USA by King James88
State of the WTP over Snow Sunday

The State of WTP has come into question if Snow Sunday is a bad leader. As a citizen of eUSA I believe not. The only thing I know Snow Sunday did their best to lead to do an honest job. The ideas of what Snow Sunday wanted to do were good ideas but so as everyone else's ideas. In a political party like the WTP and basically any political party in general we listen to each other and how we go forward. We try incorporate everyone's ideas.

Snow Sunday was banned recently by the CIA MU. Not sure a ban was necessary. Yes the people spoke up and voted Strider but WTP should be a party of all voices no matter we disagree or disagree. We all agree on one thing to stay united to work toward one goal.

As far as the belief that Snow Sunday is trying to destroy the WTP Strider did not choose him to put on the list to be in congress or Potus. Sure that was his choice but also one of consequence when you don't allow members of party to run to represent the party in congress or as country president candidate. It needs a system to choose and run candidates fairly. The party is called WE THE PEOPLE for a reason. It is my advice to please reconsider this stance and let Snow Sunday be redeemed. He has good ideas and so does everybody. Let's help each other of how we can go forward as a party and put up candidates in elections without bias.

Let's listen to each other and move forward as WE THE PEOPLE PARTY. Democracy must be allowed to function, protect and preserve not the party but for all parties in eUSA so it can thrive. We can't afford putting pettiness above everything when we are making progress getting our land back. The ball must not be dropped.

-King James88