Day 801, 11:47 Published in USA USA by Ajax Archimedes

State of the Union Address:

I would like to propose a new schedule of communication for our government and our military. Recently, issues such as public awareness, hospitals, military actions abroad, and citizen activity have all become topics for major debate within our county yet there seems to be consensus that our government needs to be more informative to our citizens both civilian and military.

There is historical precedent for major Presidential and governmental efforts to inform our citizens what the score was and how they intent to fix our problems. President Roosevelt captured a nation with his “Fireside chats” that told people how the government was going to fix the depression, create jobs, beat the Nazi’s, and win WWII. Kennedy told a nation that we were going to stand firm on Cuba and we were going to the moon. Winston Churchill almost single-handedly willed England to defeat the Nazi’s in their Solemn and Finest hour. And more recently former Secretary of Defense Colin Powel tried to convince the world that Iraq had nuclear weapons at its disposal. Hell, there is even a Press Secretary for the President who is forced to answer questions EVERY DAY to the national and international press.

On the flip side of this valuable coin is the Johnson administration failing to define a war and a conflict in Vietnam for the American people that left our nation without the confidence that we would emerge victorious from that war. Or like Nixon telling the nation that he “wasn’t a crook” (He Was, pass it on). Or President Bush congratulating FEMA Official Michael Brown (Brownie) for doing a Heckava job (on screwing New Orleans).

I would like to propose a similar forum of communication for the eUSA. I propose that our next President and his cabinet schedule a weekly summary of where they believe our goals are and where our efforts will be concentrated in the days and weeks ahead. No one is asking them to give up vital and classified information on current operations. However, I would have them give a general mission statement of future events on where we as a nation should be heading. I’d ask for the President and the Chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff to choose a day of the week which they would be willing to publish under the banner of our government this eUSA mission statement. I would have them switch off weeks so as not to tax either of their time, one week the POTUS and the next the CJCS. However, I would like for them to keep to this schedule religiously. It should be the same day each week without interruption.

I truly believe that a more informed population is a more active population.

Secondly: I would propose a question and answer based newspaper to be formed where citizens could propose possible topics and questions to be answered by the President. Around 5 questions would be proposed and these questions could also form a base upon which the State of the Union addresses would be formed. Anyone who is a citizen of the United States could propose a question and the 5 best and most frequents topics of any week would be chosen. Obviously, there will be people who feel their questions are not being asked but this isn’t communism my friends, we do things here based on the majority. Learn to love it.

I would like for our next presidential candidates to consider these proposals and even perhaps incorporate it’s suggestions into their administrations.

The Chief wants an informative government so why don’t you!