Start the American Spring!!!!!!

Day 2,092, 17:59 Published in USA USA by Nathan Nate Drake

In 1968, the Viet Cong launched the Tet Offensive. The attack was launched all across South Vietnam ( or the Republic of Vietnam), even Saigon wasn't safe. Although the attack nearly destroyed the Viet Cong and part of the North Vietnamese Army, the attack became the turning point of the Vietnam War, eventually leading to the reunification of Vietnam.

In 2011, protesters march all across the Arab world. Soon, the governments of Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt have crumbled.

Why are these two dates important right now? Because we are in control of three tyrannical governments that would like nothing more than to exploit eAmerica. Let's show them that we can rise to the challenge and break the attacks. I ask all of you start a huge coordinated assault against our enemies. If we succeed, the eUSA will finally be on the road to liberation. The tide will turn! I know we will succeed!

My name is Nathan Drake. You are the resistance!!!