Starkad Rorlikson Arrested... Again!

Day 515, 19:48 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Elisa Vorimberg

The following is based on fact but elements are fictional (any quotes are fact, any accusations are fictional). It is not intended to be taken seriously but rather to poke more fun at our president and get a few laughs.

I write this assuming that everyone is at least 14 years old, the age requirement to play erepublik. If you are bellow that age you should probably not read the following.

I also assume that you have read my article on Stark's previous arrest:

The president of eGermany, Starkad Rorlikson (informally known as "stark", or "starch") has been arrested pending charges of having sexual relations with an intern (Clinton style).

Earlier in the day, Starkad Rorlikson and Elisa Vorimberg had been discussing the possibility of Elisa joining the President's cabinet.

At 4:05AM (GMT+1), after being ignored by Elisa for several hours so she could talk to Stark, Simato said the following on the eGermany public IRC:
Simato: "u finished talking to Stark ?"
Elisa: "nope 😛"

A friend of Simato and Elisa then responde😛
Nina Ayu: "you were cheating on him with Mr. President!!!"

Simato, feeling confident, replie😛
Simato: "I don't think she would do anything with Mr. Starch 😛"
Elisa: "omg you have no idea *licks lips*"

Stark, who had been watching the conversation up till this point, decided to intervene:
Stark: "excuse me"
Stark: "i did not have sexual intercourse with that woman"
Simato: "I hope so...for you 😛"
Don: "hahahah okay mr. Clinton"

Stark was then hauled off by the eGerman police to investigate his relationship with Elisa. If convicted, he could face impeachment by congress.
Stark has not commented since his arrest.

-Elisa Vorimberg

P.S. If you haven't joined the fun on the eGermany IRC yet, you definitely should.
If you don't have an IRC client: