Starkad Rorlikson Arrested!

Day 505, 23:28 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Elisa Vorimberg

Yes, that image was photoshopped.

The following is based on fact but elements are fictional (any quotes are fact, any accusations are fictional). It is not intended to be taken seriously but rather to poke fun at our new president and get a few laughs.
I write this assuming that everyone is at least 14 years old, the age requirement to play erepublik. If you are bellow that age you should probably not read the following.

The new president of Germany, Starkad Rorlikson (informally known as "stark") has been arrested pending charges of possession/being-made of a controlled substance.

In the evening (GMT+1) on Wednesday, Elisa Vorimberg made the following comment on the eGermany public IRC:
"for some reason 'stark' always reminds me of 'starch' 😛"
Starkad asked in reply:
"is that a good thing 😛 ?"

A discussion among the people present started as to whether or not starch is a bad thing.
For all of those who don't know: Starch is a sugary/pasty substance used by plants to store energy, much like human fat.

Elisa Vorimberg then posted an image to help define what starch is.
The image showed what appeared to be a pile of white-ish power. Which was in fact, potato starch.

Stark Replied a moment later:
"are you saying i look like cocaine?"

Elisa: "I guess I did... Well, your name sounds similar to something that looks like cocaine 😛"
Stark: "perfect"
Stark: "I am the president after all"

Starkad was then hauled off by the eGerman police to investigate the possibility that he may in fact be made of cocaine. If convicted, he could face impeachment by congress.
Stark has not yet commented on the accusations.

-Elisa Vorimberg