Standing on the Crossroads

Day 1,530, 12:02 Published in India India by Suvajit

A Journalist once asked Mark Zuckerberg “What will you do if you are standing in a crossroad. One path has good roads, lined with trees, which is used by everybody and the other road is rough, filled with rocks and boulders, covered by jungles and travelled by none. Which road will you take?” Zuckerberg replied “I will take the road less travelled rather than get lost in the crowd, have my adventures and make it my highway. Even if I fail in the path they will know Mark Zuckerberg had travelled down that road and name it after me.”

My fellow eIndians, we are all standing in such a crossroad. Are we gonna take a road travelled by all, get lost in the crowd and spend the rest of our time in ignominy? Or are we gonna stand up, have an adventure of our own and forge a path for our own in this game?

From the start of this game, this enation has existed on the map of Erepublik and let me reemphasize on the word “existed” because it’s nothing more than just existence that this enation has done. While the citizens of other enations plan on expansion and increasing their Resource Bonus, we just click on our lands and click some more for MU orders and go back to sleep.

The reason for that is known even to a new player who has joined the game for a week. Lack of Baby boom and Retention. But before we blame admin for all the evils and pass the buck let me ask a Question. HAVE THE GOVERNMENT DONE ENOUGH??

A new player who joins the game has nothing more to do rather than click few times on his lands and then fight for some countries which he doesn’t care about to fulfill his MU orders to get an Energy Bar and a Bazooka, neither of which he/she can use to gain anything in near future. So is this enough to retain a new player, who is not a multie, to this game. The Answer is a HELL NOOOO!!!!

Provided that we are surrounded by our ally, China, was it too difficult for the Government to arrange for a Training War with our ally which will give a new player a sense of excitement when he is fighting for his own nation. Or have they forgotten that this is in reality a war based game and any new, genuine players who joins will join with the same intention. Having a real war requires a lot of creative and out of the box thinking which I don’t expect currently but is it too much to expect the basic minimum??

This leads me to the question what has the present Gov done in its term?? When asked the same question on IRC, one of their honorable cabinet ministers after some thinking came out with this answer. “Consolidation”. CONSOLIDATION????? Isnt that another way of saying we haven’t done anything new and just spend our time on the ideas and practices of the past government???

Not surprising from a government which does not even have time to renew MPPs with our important allies before they expire. There were no communication from the MOFA or the CP to any of our allies etc before the MPPs expired on 27th of the month. The representative of those countries started asking some of us who were part of the earlier government whats the matter . And when asked about the same on IRC, our honorable MOFA, said that he was busy with RL engagements and hence has not been able to communicate with our allies for the MPP renewal. Granted, as RL is more important than this game at the end of the day, but then what happened to the CP, DMOFA or the rest of the cabinet??? They were all busy in RL??? When asked all these questions, our estranged MOFA, started making contradictory statements about which countries he had spoken to for MPP and it was pretty embarrassing since those same countries had already contacted us asking why the Gov is not proposing MPPs. And the biggest slap of shame came for this enation, when the Croatian Ambassador, GiovanniST, asked on IRC if the eIndian President is alive or working. The reason there was no renewal of MU orders yesterday was there was no MPPs with our allies and hence no battle could be set as the preferred battle.

Now let us discuss about the veracity of one more claim to fame of the present Gov. Other than a colorful article it escaped my knowledge the objective and the purposes of the Budget. When asked about the same on IRC, their honorable cabinet minister replied “It helps the Gov in understanding the income-expenditure of the Gov.” Isnt that the basic minimum requirement of any MOF in any Gov?? So what’s the big deal about it? Other than writing a colorful article, for which I want to congratulate Teutonic Caeseris, this has no significance.

In spite of repeated requests, there was no Financial Report, stating the assets held by the Government as was done by the former MOF, Commius. By assets, I mean gold, currencies, weapons held by government which provides transparency and prevents loss of assets during the Gov transformation process. I even referred to the reports published by Commius, but sadly no response.

All other projects mentioned by the CP in his recent articles Jawaharlal Nehru Foundation, Retention, NDA, Defense Initiatives like Mission Albania-2 are started by the previous Government or are independent projects started by individuals.

Even the recent conversion of dispatching Q6 weapons instead of Q5 in NDA was done too late even after there was a plan set in place by the earlier Gov to do so in 2 weeks. And now the Gov is looking for sellers for Q6 weapons even though the previous government had made arrangements with Ashwamedh, where he had agreed to lend his Q6 Weapons factory as National Company which was not used by the current Gov. If this was used as it was planned then the Gov would have a steady flow of Q6 weapons by now.

There was no Open Tender for the Food and Weapons procured by the Gov. How and at what price they procured these is a mystery and has no transparency, even though they had shouted their voice hoar about it in the previous Gov’s time.

I don’t even see the CP or majority of his cabinets on IRC at most times. I remember a time when I was inducted into the game when CPs used to spend 14-15 hours on this game. I remembered the time in the previous Gov’s term when I could not turn my Comp off for 10 days even though I was only a VP. Does this mean we are only walking backwards?? Well if we are then we don’t have to walk much.

All in all, there has been no new project which has been started by this Gov. Nothing has been done to take this country forward. So is becoming CP now only a matter of having that personal trophy in the profile?? Or are we still serious enough to choose that person who has plans to take the country forward?? And unlike the previous term I am writing this article when the present Gov has spend 3/4th of its time in office and hence had got enough time to do anything.

I want to iterate over here that this article is not an official message by India United but is my personal view as a concerned citizen and is meant for those whose minds and judgments are not clouded by their party and still want to see their country rather than their party move forward.

Selecting a CP used to be a matter of selecting the right person across party who will lead this enation forward. It is time to see if we still have those qualities in us. Any person who doesn’t have any vision to take the enation forward has no right to take the office of CP. This alliance has proved that their intention is anything but taking this country forward and just occupying the positions pf power.

One of the recent CP candidates once told me that a lot of players play this game for fun. Of course it should be played for fun, but is it fun at the cost of this enation that they are representing?? If it is so then this is certainly not the country that I want to represent in this game.

I want to reiterate that this has no connection to IU and its strictly my personal views that are being stated here.
