Stand Up and Be Counted.

Day 1,159, 12:12 Published in South Africa Canada by Damien Wolf

Sorry About the TL😉R nature of this article.
It's not often that you have the power to be heard. To make sure that you can help steer the nation. Granted i am no politician, and i'd rather be fighting for our allies. Thankfully, the game had a rule change a bit while back which now makes it possible to be anywhere and still participate in the working of the nation. This also meant the experience points that you get from voting on proposals is gone aswell. Then why become a congressman? For the Gold? well i promise that if by some miracle do get elected into office in North Western Province i will be donating my 5gold(apparently treasure maps are a thing of the past now) to my party to be used as they decide.

So im not doing this for the gold either, then what else?

To protect eSA: Every election has a big possibility of a PTO from a foreign nation. eSouth Africa are no strangers to facing PTOs. And trust me its something you simply HAVE to avoid.
Me running in NWP makes sure that official candidates fill the poll and dont give PTO threats an easy entry.

For My Party: The New Africa Party has been revived and now is in its baby stages. I want to make sure we start off with a good representation in congress.

To Be Heard, and To Listen: Being in congress doesnt give you as much power as being the president. But it does let me have my vote on the way the country is run. Not only that but i also want to have a chance to listen to the Citizens of the nation and try to bring their views to the government. If I win I want every citizen to know that they can PM me their concerns or requests and i will try my best to see it done.

But this isn't an article to ask for votes, this is an article to make sure you, the reader, knows that there is a way to serve your country. You can either be a full fledged candidate or a blocker. Neither require any gold to run unlike the party president elections. Running for congress is a chance to be heard.

No matter what political party you are involved in, make sure you PM their president and see how you can help. This is your chance to stand up and be counted.

Col. Damien Wolf
Media and PR Executive
Proud eSouth African Citizen
Member of The New Africa Party