Stances on Current Issues

Day 487, 17:06 Published in USA USA by Robert Bayer

This article idea was kind of stolen from Dillon Smith's "Political Times - Hawaii".

I'm running for Congress in North Dakota on a combined Progressive America Federation/America's Advancement Party ticket. Vote Bayer!

- The Vote (On the bottom of the bill) -

-Do you want the current president of USA to end this office?
Abstain -- while I must admit the failures of the Uncle Sam presidency, I am concerned about the precedent it will set for the future.

-Do you agree with the proposal to issue 1 USD for 0.005 GOLD?
Unsure -- Admittedly, I would have to educate myself more about this topic.

-Minimum wage change from 1 USD to 1.01 USD
Yes -- ideally, I'd like to see the minimum wage as high as $1.30-1.50 (depending on the price of Q1 food) so that all players can be assured of being able to not starve to death.

-Citizen fee change from 5 USD to 5.01 USD
Yes -- as beginning players start with about 50 wellness, I think it's important for them to be given a fairly decent head start, especially considering that a higher wellness (obtained via q2 or q3 food purchases) will lead to increased productivity. This will help offset the loses incurred by the employer for hiring a new player.

-Do you agree to transfer 20 GOLD from the country accounts to Industires LLC?
Unsure -- I'm not sure what Industires LLC is, and as such I am wary of transferring funds to it, especially after the last transfer-of-funds fiasco.

-Tax change: Food
No. While I applaud the raising of import taxes, I am forced to disagree with higher VATs, which disproportionately affect the poor. I would instead propose keeping all other taxes at their current rate -- or entirely abolishing the VAT food tax -- and simply raising import taxes. If there were extra revenue after the abolition of the VAT food tax, I would then support the lowering of income taxes.