Stan Wephen - London manifesto

Day 271, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stan Wephen
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Hello citizens of London. Once again, the local elections are upon us, and it is a time to consider the next mayor of London. Once again, I will be running for the mayoral seat of London, and I hope for your continued support.

Who are you?

I am the current mayor of London, and this was my first mandate. I am also a congressman, and a active member of the PCP. Before I was mayor, I was a London Councillor for 2 months. I also held the position of PCP Secretary.


This means that I have a wealth of experience in a wide range of fields, which has given me a lot of contacts, knowledge and innovation.

What have you done for London?

Transport for London - This is a SO that I have created to deal with one major problem - overpopulation in London and underpopulation in other regions in the E-uk. We have encouraged active citizens to move to other regions of the E-uk to strengthen our country as a whole by making sure all regions have people in them, not just one. Look on for more details.

London Council - I have continued to run the London Council, and gifted needy citizens. Our efforts were sabotaged by a rouge London Councillor halfway during this month, resulting in the loss of all our data on London citizens. This didn't stop us though - we rebuilt the database and continue to gift citizens. I have also set up a London competition for citizens to build up our London culture - look on for more details.

London Citizenship - This is a scheme to ensure that citizens that need to be gifted will be, and save time for our London Councillors. Look on for more details.

What will you do for London now?

I intend to build upon the schemes that I've set-up, on TfL, the London Council, and London citizenship. I believe these are essential schemes for the well-being of London.

I will continue to pm citizens in London, reduce unemployment, and represent London in the Regional Council.

And I will make sure that London is built on its most important aspect - the people who live there.

Thank you for reading. London, let's make it better, together.

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