Stability in politics: The Feds

Day 954, 14:43 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

Anyone paying any sort of mild attention to the political scene these past few months knows that things are a tad bit insane. The entire top 5 has changed its face. Only these last PP elections a party died, the APF, and an old party successfully PTO'd its way back to life: the USWP. These past congressional elections resulted in yet another top 5 party announcing their withdraw from politics altogether (SEES: Long story short, it’s hard to find some stability out there.

I wish all these new parties springing up the best of luck to be certain, strong top 5 parties make a strong country. When it comes to it though the Federalists are now the oldest standing top 5 out there, we've got a solid system in place. The feds have incredible organization, fantastic execution, and most of all: Stability.

The feds have definitely proven their ability for long term productivity. I joined this party over a year ago now, and apart from some crazy stuff during the North American invasion we've been growing the entire time. I've had the pleasure of watching this party grow from number 6 to where it is now, in the number 2 spot. Really, this is incredible and it took months of hard work and dedication to happen. MONTHS of it, and those months go waaaaay back. This growth isn't new for the feds; we've been on a roll for ages.

Apart from the rise in population, our congressional elections are a great way to see this. We’ve consistently put up our share of blockers, usually with a few to spare even. No FEC assistance has been needed for months. For both my two terms as PP we went over our needed number of blockers, and were able to give some to other parties or simply keep some on standby for any emergencies. Other parties have been able to do this as well, but the feds have been reliably pulling it off for months thanks to the systems and structure we’ve developed, and especially the dedicated service of our members.

Our forums are fantastic; we maintain a great IRC channel, and an epic community of members. If you’re looking for a bit more of a political home or simply a place to get involved in erep, check out our forums (link below), check out our IRC channel (#fedpartychat on the rizon network), look around and see what the feds are up to, you might just find yourself having a ton of fun.

Some cool links: