Squad Leader responsibilities

Day 271, 00:54 Published in USA Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Hello happy soldiers,

Things have changed greatly in the military. Squad Leader responsibilities will also be different this time around.

For one, you no longer have to worry about paying soldiers, that is all handled by the Vice President. However you still need to be in contact with your men. As you may have seen, there is a “comments” column on the right side of your mens names. This column will be used by you to write comments on your soldiers. How willing they are to help, how quickly they respond, if they respond at all, if they are not following orders, etc.

MES (semi designed by Justinious)

We will also be using a Military Echo System this time around. When orders come out. They will come from me, the NSC, and go to the Generals. From there, the generals will issue orders to their squad leaders, who will echo out the orders to their soldiers. Once the soldiers respond, the squad leaders will echo their troop numbers back to the General, who will echo it up to me. This will give the general and the NSC a good idea of what the troop turn out is from a particular squad and division. No more will we have 10 of 30 soldiers showing up at a fight because no one else got the PM in time… if there is a low turnout from a squad we will know that a reinforcement squad needs to be sent for back-up in that region.


If you have “problem children” in your squad please report this in the comments section. These comments will be used to weed out those who are better off in the Army, or to reward those who work extra hard with a promotion to Squad Leader in the future. Also, as things progress, these comments will also be used as a way to identify people who are deserving of medals and rewards (medals and rewards are coming soon)

Thank you,
NSC Director