SPU Caucus

Day 835, 17:29 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

A reminder to the members of all eUs Small Parties.
The Small Party Union Caucus is going to begin in 45 minutes, taking place at #SPUcaucus.

This meeting will go over the details of the workings of the proposed Small Party Union, including the organization structure, how things will be run, how many representatives will be given to each party, ect.

Representatives from all of the non-top 5 parties of the eUnited States are encouraged to attend.

This Union will substantially increase the power and inluence that a small party could possess in this country. Many parties are forced to live in the shadow of the Top Five, simply because they lack the sheer manpower to step up to them. This union will change that. The small parties shall take the power and respect that they so rightfully deserve. Make a difference in your country, and your party. Check out the SPU.

These images are the creation of the late M. Leviathan.