SPP Contest #2 - A Winner is Named

Day 593, 15:21 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Hello eCanada!

After raising almost 500 Gold (and filling up every single one of my organizations) the SPP Foundation seems to be going strong. Today I bring you the totals, and winners of this rounds competition.

It was a good effort from majority of the platoons of the CAF, as they worked hard to gain points whatever way they could. I salute all of the platoons in their efforts to gain points, and work together as a team. However the true race seemed to be between the 4th Special Field Ops, and the 12th Shock-Drop Infantry units. These two teams went really head to head and BOTH dominated in this competition.

It was a close race throughout this whole competition where each team seemed to be trying to best the other. Where the 4th took the most damage points, the 12th would take the most forum CAD.

Now for the results you have all been looking forward to. The WINNER of the SPP Contest #2 is.... The 12th Shock-Drop Infantry Platoon!

They really gave it their all when it came to bragging rights, and getting donations. The 4th was better at rallying outside support however the 12th really brought it home because of their team work. They weren't reliant on only a few members to donate, but rather they gained support from their friends and team to help them accomplish their goals.

Now for the Totals of the ENTIRE contest:

1st "Eagle Eye" - 183
3rd "Canadian Vanguard" - 133
4th "Special Field Ops" - 2880
5th "Joint Task Force" - 170
10th "Royal Canadian Hussars" - 13 (BOO POOR EFFORT GUYS!!!)
12th "Shock-Drop Infantry" - 3504 (WINNERS)
22e "Régiment Royal" - 75
69th "Royal Canadian Marines" - 95

Good job to all of you that really made an effort in this contest and I hope that the next contest that this humongous prize will stimulate some more competition. I would like to make an honorable mention to the 22e, I feel as if they were neglected slightly when it came to the Bragging points list so I will be coming up with a slightly different system to give them an opportunity to be heard. Also they were fantastic for getting outside votes.

ALSO as an added bonus I'm going to be presenting AWARDS next time instead of Random FP so even if your platoon does not win the big prize, through your awards you will still be able to possibly gain prizes, but at least have bragging rights.

I hope everyone had fun with this competition and I look forward to running the next one and seeing what kind of competition and heated rivalry stirs up once again.

Congratulations to the 12th, and I will be sending you some prizes shortly.

EDIT: Thank you ElitaOne for your fabulous award picture. Thank you to CosmicZombie and No Idea who also made an effort for their team.