Sperry for President!! Now with audio file!

Day 963, 18:22 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto
Why should you vote for Sperry?
Because he has all the answers.

How can he have all the answers?
He just does ok?


So can you interview him for us?

No. But I can quote him.

Ok, what does he think about the economic situation?
"Calm your shit!"

Hmm..what does he think about V2?

"Just calm you shit ok!"

Wow that's an epic answer, I'll definitely vote for Sperry!

Good choice!

Calm your shit people or Sperry will get you!

Vote Sperry and he will tell you to calm your shit for free!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y11EwEPFbHM">Calm your shit!

Sperry is not actually running for president.
Anonymous citizen will remain anonymous.
Contact Sperry for your own "Calm your shit!" experience.