Spend A Buck

Day 723, 05:47 Published in USA South Africa by Calew
This is a continuation of my last article, Get rich or die trying. In this article I will give some advices on how to spend your money to get maximal efficiency. My last article explained how to get as rich as possible in as little time as possible. But there is no sense in getting rich if you don't have anything to spend the money on. So I will give some suggestions on what you can spend on and how to get the best result.

Spending in general
There are many different ways, and many different things to spend your money. But no matter how you do I think that you should always make sure that don't lose it all. It's much easier to make money if you have money to start with. So when you've reached, let's say 1000 gold, I think you should have 1000 gold as a limit. This way you will always have enough money to make some more. If you spend those 1000 you will have to work as hard as you did when first got them. These 1000 gold should either be invested in your own companies or, if you haven't got the time, in someone else's bank/investment-corp. If it's your own companies you will very likely be able to take out 300 gold each month and if it's someone else's you might get 150-200. This means you will have 150-300 gold to each month spend on whatever you like.

Your goal in this game might be to become the richest citizen or you maybe have some other plan, where you need more than 1000 gold. If this is the case or you for some other reason want more money there are a few ways which I think are the best when dealing with a lot of money. Which one you choose will be decided by how much time you can spend on the game and what you're interested in.
You can start companies, making Q5-companies is often the best option. If you are to run companies worth 2000+ gold you shouldn't deal with low-q since they will take too much time compared to how much time you will have to spend. For 2000 gold you get 100 q1-companies, 50 q2-companies, 22 q3-companies, 10 q4-companies or 5 q5-companies. Q5-companies are allready the most profitable and since you will have much more time to spend on making them profitable than you would have choosing another quality, q5-companies is the obvious choice.
If you don't have enough time to run 5+ companies you should instead invest your money. The profit will not be as big, but you will save time. Make sure you choose a reliable investment-corp. I encourage to take risks when dealing with smaller amount because the profit will be higher, but now we are talking about 1000+ gold. If you would lose this you would lose months of hard work, and it will be more tempting to run away with thousands of gold than it would be with hundreds. So make sure the investment-corp allready have got lots of money in account, he must've been around for a long time and preferably be a famous within the game, if he is he won't risk losing his good reputation for money.
When dealing with such a large amount of gold you have the option to start a bank. You won't have to loan money so you won't have any expenses, just incomes from lending. I must warn you though, to make this succesful you will have to put a lot of time into it. You will have 50+ clients, and you must make sure that everyone of them will pay the money back. I'm not experienced in this field, so I don't have much advice to give. But make sure you know what you are getting yourself into before starting.

If your goal is to become the most feared and loved war-hero you will need lots of gold for your tanking. With an income of 300 gold each month you will be able to tank 3 times each month and you will also be able to buy high-q weapons. Make sure you are a member of your countries military, they will probably help with financing your military efforts, so this way you will be able to do more with the 300 gold you have to spend each month. An advice is to start tanking once you are FM at atleast 15 strength, if you start earlier your damage will not be very high in comparison to the gold spent. So if you reach 1000 gold before reaching FM, 15 strength I think you should save the money instead and make sure that you are able to do maximal damage once you are strong enough. While waiting you can use gifts instead. One extra fight will be 5 times as cheap as when using WPs, and you will be able to rank up faster. When you do start tanking you should not tank a little everyday. Tank 40 fights two days in a row and use Q5-weapons, if you are lucky you will become battle hero. And don't tank in training wars and small fights. If you spend hundreds of gold on useless causes and then have to little gold to tank in the big fights your countrymen will be disappointed in you and your enemies will laugh at you.

There are always people using gold to buy a seat in the congress, they pay voters for their votes. This is just embarrising, and there should be a punishment for doing this. I don't want my country to be run by the richest people, I want the smartest people to be in charge. I advice everyone not to try to buy votes. It might seem like a good short-cut to congress. But if you in the future want to take politics serious, maybe run for president, your opponents will be able to use this against you. And most important, this is a game, how satisfying will it be to achieve a mandate in congress through "cheating".
Still, there are ways to help you in politics with money. The most obvious is starting a campaign through ads. This way you can make sure that everyone knows your opinions, then it's up to them to decide if you are the right candidate or not. You can also show your dedication by investing money in your country. Start come sort of program where you help newbies, sponsor soldiers etc. By investing 100 gold each month in helping others you will get a good reputation and people will know you are dedicated to your country.

Thanks for reading! As said this is just suggestions, there are of course a lot else to do with your money and many other ways to do it. Gold opens a lot of doors in this game...