Spencer's Post Mortem

Day 2,159, 10:08 Published in Canada Canada by Spencer Magee


It’s been a long time since I wrote an article, and even longer since I wrote them regularly and was active in this game. Actually, in a few days it will be 1,000 total days since my last article, so oops at me breaking the streak!

I just wanted to write maybe one last thing for this game since I have no time for it anymore, and the drunken mess that was my last piece is no good.

This game has changed a lot since I stopped playing it regularly, so much so I think it’d be impossible for me to get back into it, or catch up at all. I remember when being a level 26 was pretty elite, and now I see freaking buttheads like Temujin walking around with levels in the 90’s. I ain’t got time for that! I remember when Tem was a newbie and now he’s like a beast.

But it holds a nostalgic factor for me since I use to be so into this game and loved it. I loved messing around with some of you, trolling, and even the more serious controversies I was involved with (Impeaching Chucky over that one french guy who did something bad, getting into fights with the likes of Octavius and Acacia, pissing off the French Canadians regularly) I look back on with fond memories. But helping eCanada grow and be prosperous and smiting our enemies back during the golden era of this country, that’s what I remember most.

I checked back into this game recently to see what the map looked like and was surprised how upset I was to see Spain had taken us over, even though I hadn’t signed onto this places in years. And when I did sign on today, seeing familiar faces still walking around made me happy, like bumping into old pals you hadn’t seen in ages.

Unfortunately this game is just too different and has advanced way too much for me to get back into the groove of it. My friends list is 90% dead people, including tons of people who were good chums. Most of the people who'll read this won't give a shit which is cool beans.

I just wanted to give a shout out to the peeps who still play this game that I know and tell ‘em to keep rockin’ it:

Goran Thrax
Addy Lawrence
Pants Magee
Auk Rest
Chamrajnagar (Charmander)
Exalted Druid
Chucky Norris

And probably some others I am forgetting.

A shout out to the ones who aren’t here anymore but left a big impact on eCanada and me:

Nosyt ~hyuu~
Karsten Skeries
Wilhelm Gunter
only atoms
Derek Harland
Dycey Farley


I'll be around every now and then, but I doubt I'll ever seriously play this game again.