Special eNorge Political Utgave: November 2009

Day 725, 10:51 Published in Norway Norway by Ailurus fulgens
http://stassi.net/mkp3/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/StassiNet-Political-Utgave-2009-11.jpg" height="142" width="516">
Hello, citizens and visitors of eNorway! We have a special November report on the politics of eNorway brought to you from hX.Stassi, Congressman of eNorway and defender of justice. Today's current and most pressing issues are the election of party leaders for Teknokratene and Binary Party.

Teknokratene needs Eris to be the new partileder!
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First and foremost, Congressmedlem Eris Caelestis of Teknokratene has decided to undertake the responsibility for Teknokratene party leadership in place of some of the departed members KristofferAG and Heivoll. Indeed, she has big shoes to fill, but with the initiative and productivity she has shown as the official Minister of Immigration, the party has much to look forward to with her leadership abilities and warm, friendly personality. She is also an eNorwegian member of FSK, the elite commando unit charged with eNorway's defense at home and abroad, and has brought many of eNorge's enemies to justice alongside the demigod warrior Durruti and Colonel Stassi.

Click here to read Eris' official statement for candidacy and prepare to vote for her on November 15!

Resultats from the previous presidentvalg
Despite being fully endorsed by actress Megan Fox, the legendary Terje Hansen ceded his bid for the November presidency to Cirno, an experienced eNorwegian leader who had previously served as president in May 2009. Cirno is a member of the new Binary Party which recently formed after the temporary merger with eFinland. Cirno inherits the presidency from two-term president Reboot of Teknokratene, who has dutifully served his nation and helped eNorway endure the PEACE-backed Russian invasion and rebuild the country from scratch with the aid of his ministers.

Below is a list of the current government medlems in eNorway
President: Cirno
Vice President: Reboot
Minister of Defense: Terje Hansen
Vice Minister of Defense: Hofsrud
Minister of Finance: Durruti
Vice Minister of Finance: Sebulba
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Damien Alexander
Minister of Immigration: Eris Caelestis
Vice Minister of Immigration: Endymionis

Introducing the new Binary Party
http://stassi.net/mkp3/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Binary-Party.jpg" height="150" width="150">
Forconin? Norwegian Gold Scandal? Have no fear! These sensitive subjects of eNorwegian history are not an issue for the new and reformed Binary Party! With many of its members hailing from the now-defunct Gullpartiet, the Binary Party has a bold lineup of eNorwegian politicians who are active in congressen and the media, and as of now the eNorwegian presidency following the election of BP party member Cirno. They are not affiliated with the older party of the same name, but have decided to reuse the old BP branding and hopefully bring eNorway more prosperity than the party's predecessor that lifted 4000 gold in an infamous political heist.
(Update: Cirno has clarified that the treasury was finally returned after the government regained control!)

On November 15, 2009, Scorpicus will be running for partileder with the endorsement of many of BP's key partimedlems.

Reports about hjemmelandet from Stassi
Recently, the admins of the New World controversially raised the price of Alliances (also known as Mutual Protection Pacts or MPPs) from 30g to 100g, which automatically deducts money from the national treasury on a monthly renewal basis. This means that eNorway with its small population must carefully choose her allies. Note that this does not affect eNorway's EDEN membership, but could potentially limit EDEN's ability to defend her in the event of a military attack and affect the number of concurrent allies Norway is able to protect. Citizens and their businesses need not be alarmed since the government is wisely considering methods to effectively utilize the national budget and strengthen national security (even though Durruti can do it all by himself, he sometimes needs to rest between battles).

Stassi and his friends in Congressen have also recently backed proposals to form an alliance with eUSA and install the new Q5 sykehus in Ostlandet (literally, land of cheese). Thanks to these decisions residents in Ostlandet can now recover 50 wellness per day after fighting, and all of eNorge will soon be able to fight in eUSA-sponsored training wars similar to those sponsored by Slovakia before the PEACE aggression dismantled them.

International Politics

Since this article is focused on eNorwegian politics this update will be brief. eNorway's parent alliance EDEN welcomes eSwitzerland as a new member state, and sworn enemy PEACE GC starts to fall apart with the high-profile departures of Italy and Indonesia!

Stassi's plans for December

There is still an ongoing Congressdiskusjon about creating an Ambassadørprogram and what such a position would entail, which Stassi believes could improve eNorge's international relations and channels of communication with her allies, and even help construct dialogue with her enemies. An example of an effective ambassadørprogram would be ePoland's, which has productive ambassadors around the world including Norway's own ePolish ambassador Areqw, who has been a pleasure to have helping both allied nations. The diskusjon has died down but Stassi is determined to get more answers soon.

Being an independent webmaster, Stassi has also taken a liking to developing articles on the official eRepublik Wiki, and has thus far created articles on himself, StassiNet (the newspaper you are now reading), the tragically deceased Guybrush Trapwood, interactive lists of congressmedlems, and several others. Now Stassi is interested in creating and maintaining eNorway-specific articles that could help become valuable reference sources for eNorwegian citizens and allies alike, increasing the potential for eNorwegian global image, commerce, immigration, and political dialogue by increasing the accuracy of information and efficiency of communication.
Before going public with this announcement, Stassi had been eagerly anticipating the response to this same proposal suggested a week ago to President Cirno in which Stassi offered his services and requested details on which articles deserved priority. Unfortunately, Cirno has been too busy for a response to the first-term Teknokratene congressmedlem.

This 25th of November, Stassi plans to return to Congressen to begin his second term. He has learned many things from his wise colleagues and intends to continue fulfilling his public service to hjemmelandet Norge.

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