Speaking of Russia and scrabman...

Day 542, 22:05 Published in USA USA by Tormod

America, as you all know by now we lost in Russia. It was deeply demoralizing and dishearted many citizens of this great eNation. We didn't know what to do after so we did what we always do in these situations, blame the government! I come to you today my fellow citizens to STOP disgracing yourselves and your country. Ever since the battle ended and we lost I've seen constant articles about how its all scrabmans fault and that America sucks... NEWSFLASH PEOPLE!!! WE DON'T SUCK AND NEITHER DOES OUR PRESIDENT!!!


After all scrabman has done ever since Uncle Sam's impeachment you all just piss that away after one failed attempt (which was almost successful). Take a look at all the recent presidents, each one attacked a PEACE country and failed in doing so and was battered by the public constantly. Its a pattern and I know as a fact that its going to happen again and again no matter how great the president is. Its not the war that bugs me that much though, ever since the mid way point of scrabman's first official term people began becoming annoyed because of the recent government/presidential failures as well as him being so secretive about whats going on. Ever since he took office he has cleared up most of the issues from the previous president, the secrecy was because he didn't want any spies to know of Atlantis's plans on attack at once. One last thing he brought you war games to get you stronger!

Russian War Didn't Fail and America Doesn't Suck!

In the last article I read that provoked me to write this said this: "Not only is our military bad, though you think saying: "This is where I say we are attacking because I'm your President and I'm asking you to attack." will make you win, you're wrong there too." --- Aside from more scrabman bashing, this person (Kitlero) says that are military sucks... Again it doesn't! We were able to do 780k damage as a country in this single battle, quite well for an underestimated country. According to Jewitt (god) about 100 people ranked up in that battle alone, and even at the end if the battle it could have gone either way.

So looking at this sketchy article we see that scrabman has dramatically helped country, improved its military image and continued the pathetic pattern of presidents which isn't his fault as much as the public's fault. Here's my simplified message to America: 1) Don't worry about the loss in Russia 2) Don't spam the media with lies unless you have solid proof 3) Our country will come back from this And 4)... Respect the president (even if you don't like him), he may not make the best choices, but he makes them to help his country grow and prosper like America really should!

Remember Americans, always be proud and strong to live in America!