
Day 5,639, 02:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy


No doubt you will you be aware that Tuesday's Congress election returned a brilliant result for The Real Spamicans. For the second month in a row TRS secured the most votes of all parties and elected 12 Congresspeople.

The Spamicans have established themselves as an electoral force, and we do not take any of your votes for granted. Thank you for backing us again, and please consider joining us as a further show of support, and as an endorsement of a party who believes we should drive up activity and engagement.

It is in that spirit of growth that I announce a Spamnesty!

Spamnesty - anything goes!

eRep is a game and we hold no grudges or ill-will against anyone, yet alone any TRS critics or sceptics. Our key message is in fact that, if you are active and you want to play eRep in all its dimensions - we want you!

Our doors are wide open for anyone who wishes to join, no matter your current political party or origins. This is a game, and we are here to enjoy it - so if you want to experience an active party and community then sign up! All are welcome. We operate a commune, an MU, new player initiatives and an active chat/feed. Not to mention we are always exploring 'extra curricular' games to foster that sense of community and make the game more interesting for ourselves.

We are in our next phase of expansion as we march on towards the number 2 spot. If all our voters join us we will be there in no time. It will be an exciting moment to join the party so do it!

And remember, sticking around in a party because you are worried about fallout from leaving is no good reason to stay! TRS will have the backs of all new joiners 5eva!

Speaking of games, the first turn of Good King Woldy's Crown Jewels is being processed. A VISUAL update will follow once we are through the first round.

The eUK also has a supremacy1914 alliance so if that's somethign you already play enquire within and I can get you the details of that.

There's also an eUK steam community page (crammed with players of present times and old times - mostly old times atm!) so likewise drop me a line should you be interested in joining that.

Thanks for reading,
Mr W

Albeit the eUK no longer has a 'King', it used to! And during my time as eMonarch I established a few charity schemes to encourage newer players to get involved. These schemes are still running Feel free to message me for some free stuff if you are level 1-50 and meet any of the following criteria:

Woldy's Urban Achievers - Food and guns rewarded for: Publishing an article; being elected into any position; being awarded any medal.

Royal Writers: 150 GBP for publishing an article in the eUK and an extra 300 GBP for any article you write that reaches ten or more votes. Just message me your article links.

Woldy's Warriors: Start up kit of Guns and food for anyone who feels like they don't pack a big enough punch. Simply message and ask for some boomsticks.